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About Our Event

In 2020, the Knickerbacker Park Board had an idea...

In the height of the unknown of COVID and ongoing gun violence in the City of Troy, we wanted to provide children and families a safe space Halloween event in their own backyard.  A place where they could be outside, and safe, and get lots and lots of candy.  From the idea, Trick or Treat Street was born.  We were able to safely provide 1000s of pieces of candy to 100s of children from the Capital Region.  

Children and their families walked around our outdoor oval and trick or treated from the vehicles of local families, school teachers, and elected officials.  Given that classes began remotely for the 2020 school year, this was the first time many children were able to interact face to face with their teachers.   

In 2021, we made it bigger...

Building on the success of 2020, we wanted more volunteers, more amenities, and, of course, more candy.  We were able to provide music, bounce houses, and hand out over 100,000 pieces of candy to approximately 3,000 children.  We had over 50 cars lining our oval and the decorations were out of this world.  

In 2022, we made it better.

In 2022, we had hundreds of volunteers from across the Capital Region who worked tirelessly to create some of the most amazing "trunks" we've ever seen. And for the first time yet, we did NOT run out of candy. 


In 2023, we wanted to keep it going!

2023 saw the most children, the most volunteers, and the best decorations to ever exist.  This event became the single largest event to ever occur at Knickerbacker Park, and it is all because of the amazing community in Troy.  We condensed the event to 3 hours, and bought more candy, and we did not run out! 

In 2024, we upgraded our Park

"If it ain't broke, don't fix it."  In 2024 the event will operate very similar to how it has the last few years, with 1000s of children walking our oval and 100s of volunteers with amazing decorations handing out candy.  Safe, simple, and fun.  But to give children and families more to do, we have made enhancements to the Park, including a playground expansion and covered family pavilion.  From 2020 to the present, we are really proud of the work we have done to bring Knickerbacker Park back to life for the community, and we're not done yet...

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